Grenada Citizenship Program
Grenada Citizenship Program
Grenada Citizenship Program
Minimum of 6 months
US $150,000
Donation - Real Estate
140+ Including Schengen area, UK, and China
Grenada launched its citizenship by investment program in 2013 for the purpose of transforming its economy to be more prosperous. In return, it allows foreign investors obtain permanent legal citizenship and second passport within 4 to 6 months. Grenada has a strong foreign relation with the United States and China, making it the only Caribbean citizenship by investment and second passport program that offers visa free access to China. In addition, Grenada holds E-2 investor visa treaty with the US, granting Grenada passport holders the right to work in the United States.
Citizenship by investment in Grenada is available through two options.
Non-refundable contribution under the National Transformation Fund (NTF)
Real Estate investment in an approved project under Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit